We add value to your good cause...


Experience Matters

Organizations We Have Served with Passion, Expertise, and Diligence

For Creatives & Entrepreneurs

Marketing Agencies

Leadership and skill Training needs

Radio network advertising

Nonprofit Video scripting

Analytics and research

For Nonprofits

Hospital Systems

universities, Colleges and private schools

Faith-Based ORganizations

Grant seeking Foundations and organizations

Social Services Agencies



Good Cause Copywriters and Consultants have decades of experience combining best practices in fundraising and communications, always with new thinking while enhancing donor engagement. They get results.
— Foundation President, Hospital System

They have the experience - from large public universities to private education, healthcare systems, and international fundraising and communications - to bring the best to your cause without being “corporate” at a fair cost. They listen first to understand your needs before suggesting solutions.
— Vice President of Development