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How One New Collegiate Development Officer Jumpstarted Her Success

How One New Collegiate Development Officer Jumpstarted Her Success

Thanks for the Recommendation, Now What?

The new collegiate development officer called me on Monday morning. I had recommended her for representing a college for a large university. Now, two weeks into the job, she called to report on her findings: the college was substantially underperforming in its fundraising activities.

We spoke about laying out a fundraising communications strategy both internally and externally. In the long run, I stressed that such an approach would save her both time and energy and help her succeed.  

This strategy included;  

·      A one-page “philosophy of fundraising” to be shared with her dean and college leadership and agreed upon. This would help her approach the job with internal buy-in, clarify roles, and process expectations.

·      A review of all fundraising and collegiate alumni communications over the past eighteen months.

·      Asking the questions repeatedly, “What are we fundraising for? What are our mission priorities? She should listen carefully to understand perspectives and help the college to prioritize goals and thus her time, activity, and communications.

·      Developing an annual four-page Case for Collegiate Support to support all fundraising activities.

·      Several outreach letters annually to alums and donors (without asking for money) telling the college’s story and points of pride.

·      Personalized thank you letters.

·      Monthly prospect reviews that emphasize ongoing stewardship, discovery, gift proposals, and, in all cases, listening and learning from alums and donors and helping others understand what you are hearing. Too many fundraising leaders are victims of strategic narcissism. And many do not even recognize the syndrome.

·      Building quality relationships requires a keen emphasis on building trust through effective communication, with internal and external audiences.

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Matthew Brasmer